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Rydal Water by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Rydal Water by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Rydal Water by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Sale price£375.00
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After Sunset, Grasmere by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)After Sunset, Grasmere by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
After Sunset, Grasmere by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Sale price£375.00
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Langdale Pikes and Oak Howe Farm by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)Langdale Pikes and Oak Howe Farm by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)
Langdale Pikes and Oak Howe Farm by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)
Sale price£375.00
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Wild Daffodils, Ullswater by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)Wild Daffodils, Ullswater by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)
Wild Daffodils, Ullswater by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)
Sale price£375.00
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Bluebells at Elterwater by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)Bluebells at Elterwater by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)
Bluebells at Elterwater by Alfred Heaton Cooper (1863 - 1929)
Sale price£375.00
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Ullswater by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Ullswater by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Ullswater by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Sale price£375.00
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Blea Tarn by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Blea Tarn by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Blea Tarn by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Sale price£375.00
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East Face of Pillar by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)East Face of Pillar by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
East Face of Pillar by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Sale price£375.00
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Dawn over the Scafells by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Dawn over the Scafells by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Dawn over the Scafells by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Sale price£375.00
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Scafell Pike from Upper Eskdale by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Scafell Pike from Upper Eskdale by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Scafell Pike from Upper Eskdale by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Sale price£375.00
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Upper Eskdale by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Upper Eskdale by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Upper Eskdale by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Sale price£375.00
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Watendlath by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Watendlath by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Grasmere 1938 by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Grasmere 1938 by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
Windermere by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)Windermere by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)
On Whin Rigg by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)On Whin Rigg by William Heaton Cooper R.I. (1903 - 1995)